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TOM FORD Base / Fit Overview
The Ultimate Guide – 2021 update

To help you find the perfect Tom Ford suit, we made a comprehensive overview of all Tom Ford base and fits, to make your life easier.

Buying the perfect suit isn’t easy as there are many important things to keep in mind. Perhaps the most important of all: the fit. As no two people are exactly alike, getting the fit just right can be a bit of a challenge. Buying your suite online can further complicate matters as you won’t know how the suit will fit until you receive it. Alterations are always possible but they can only get you so far.

To make matters more complicated, Tom Ford suits offers many different fits, which lack consistency through the years.

In 2007, Tom Ford started with two different bases:

  • Tom Ford Base A (also called the Windsor cut) which has a classic look, with wide lapel, broad shoulders and a medium suppressed waist
  • Tom Ford Base B (also called the Regency cut) which was a little more modern with medium lapel, medium shoulder and a very suppressed waist.

Blazers, sport coats and suits can be found in all cuts. Tuxedos are made in the Windsor and O’Connor cut. Outerwear like jackets or leather coats do not come in different cuts. They can fit very slim or pretty wide: it very important to check the actual product measurements.

From 2008 until 2014, the different cuts were called bases. From 2014 onward, Tom Ford changed to fit. It can be quite confusing at first which is why we came up with the following overview:

Base A / Fit A Windsor – Classic cut, wider lapel, wider shoulder, regular waist and medium fitted trousers

Base B / Fit B Regency – Slimmer cut, medium lapel, medium shoulder, suppressed waist and fitted trousers

Base C / Fit C Buckingham – Slimmer cut, big lapels, wider shoulder, regular waist and medium fitted trousers

Base E / Fit E Buckley – Shorter and slimmer cut, narrow shoulder, very fitted waist and trousers (partially lined).

Base D / Fit D Spencer – Slimmer cut, wider lapel, medium shoulder, suppressed waist and fitted trousers

Base F / Fit F Falconer – Slimmer cut, straight shoulder, smaller lapels, suppressed waist and 3 buttons on the sleeve.

Base L / Fit L Mountbatten – Slimmer cut, straight shoulder, smaller notched lapels, suppressed waist and fitted trousers.

Base M / Fit M (no name available) – Slimmer cut, straight shoulder, medium lapels, very suppressed waist and 3 buttons on the sleeve.

Base S /Fit S O’Connor – Slimmer cut, smaller lapels, narrow shoulder, suppressed waist, fitted trousers and single vented.

Base Y / Fit Y O’Connor – Slimmer cut, smaller lapels, narrow shoulder, suppressed waist, fitted trousers and dual vented

Base Z / Fit Z Alexander – Slimmer cut, medium lapel, medium shoulder and gauntlet cuffs/

Base V / Fit V Buckley – Shorter and slimmer cut, narrow shoulder, very fitted waist and trousers (partially lined).

Base T / Fit T Wetherby – Wider cut, 30’s inspired. Wide lapel, wider shoulder and wide trousers.

Base W / Fit W O’Connor – Slimmer cut, smaller lapels, narrow shoulder, suppressed waist and fitted trousers (partially / unlined version).

Base Shelton / Fit Shelton – Classic cut, wider lapel, wider shoulder, fitted waist and fitted trousers.

Base Atticus / Fit Atticus – Classic cut, wide lapel, wide shoulders and fitted trousers. Runs a bit longer than all other cuts.

In total there are 13 different main cuts:


(Base A / Fit A)

TOM FORD Base A / Fit A Windsor

The classic Tom Ford cut. Although it’s described as a classic cut it is actually a modern cut with a suspended waist. The Lapels are wide and the trousers do fit medium. The shoulders are quite broad which gives the wearer a strong silhouette. It’s double vented.


(Base B / Fit B)

TOM FORD Base B / Fit B Regency

The slimmer Tom Ford cut. The lapels are medium wide. The shoulder is medium shaped and the waist is very suppressed. The trousers are very slim. The Regency cut is available as both single and double vented.


(Base C / Fit C)
TOM FORD Base C / Fit C Buckingham

The Base C cut has only be available in the first couple of years as Ready to Wear Tom Ford collection in the London and Milan flag ship stores. The Base C is close to the Wetherby cut so it has huge lapels and a broad firm shoulder. The difference are the peaked lapels as an option where the Wetherby has always notched lapels, it’s single vented and the trousers are medium fitted.


(Base D / Fit D)
TOM FORD Base D / Fit D Spencer

A slim Tom Ford cut. The lapels are wide. The shoulder is medium shaped and the waist is very suppressed. The trousers are very slim. The Spencer cut is available as both single and double vented.


(Base E / Fit E)
(Base V / Fit V)

TOM FORD Base E V / Fit E V Buckley

The Buckley is a short and slimmer Tom Ford cut. The lapels are medium shaped and it has an narrow shoulder. The waist and trousers are very fitted. The jackets are partial lined. The Difference between E and V (sometimes on tags as Basic Base V Nuova) is based on production period. The E is the cuccessor and was introducted in Spring / Summer 2016.


(Base F / Fit F)

TOM FORD Base F / Fit F Falconer

The Falconer is named afther George Falconer, themain character of Tom Ford’s first film A Single Man and it was the first slim lapel jacket made for the Tom Ford brand. It is a slimmer and more fashionable Tom Ford cut. The shoulder is straight and it has smaller lapels, a suppressed waist, three buttons on sleeve instead of five and it is single vented. The trousers are slim. The jackets lacks the ticket pocket which all other flap pocket Tom Ford suits do have.


(Base L / Fit L)

The Mountbatten cus has only be available in Fall Winter 2010 collection. It is a slimmer and more fashionable Tom Ford cut. The shoulder is straight and it has smaller notched lapels, a suppressed waist and it is single vented. The trousers are slim.

Base M / Fit M (No name available)

(Base M / Fit M)

Very rare cut. It is a slimmer and more fashionable Tom Ford cut. The shoulder is straight and it medium peaked lapel shaped like the O’Connor but a little but wider, a very suppressed waist and it is single vented.


(Base S / Fit S)
(Base Y / Fit Y)
(Base W / Fit W)

TOM FORD Base S V W /Fit S V W O’Connor

The O’Connor cut is a very slim Tom Ford cut like the Regency but with a very small lapel. The shoulders are narrow and the waist is very suppressed. The trousers are very slim. Base S / Fit S is the lined version with a single vent, Base Y / Fit Y is the lined version with a double vent and Base W / Fit W is the partial and unlined version with a single vent.


(Base Z / Fit Z)

TOM FORD Base Z / Fit Z Alexander

It’s a slimmer Tom Ford cut with a medium lapel wide, medium shoulder and a regular suppressed waist. The trousers fit medium. The unique thing about the Alexander cut are the gauntlet (turn back) cuffs. The gauntlet cuff, also called a turn back cuff, is a cuff that can be turned from the end of the sleeve to approximately the first button. Originally an Edwardian detail, it saw a return to popularity in the 50’s and 60’s. It’s mostly decorative but if done right, it can add some flair to a jacket or overcoat. They also have a more practical use: if the gauntlet cuff is worn out, it can be removed to reveal a brand new and unworn sleeve edge under the cuff.


(Base T / Fit T)

TOM FORD Base T / Fit T Wetherby

The Wetherby is the 30’s inspired Tom Ford cut. It is quiet unique and it not available anymore as Ready To Wear. It is still possible to order one in the Made To Measure program. It has the widest lapels Tom Ford offers. It has a wider cut with broad shoulders. The trousers are very wide as well. Base T is most often known as Wetherby, but it also refers to the Snowdon fit from Spring 2011. The characteristics of Snowdon vs Wetherby were much wider and stronger shoulders on the Snowdon jackets with a light rope, whereas the Wetherby jackets had a heavier rope but the shoulders were more traditional.


(No Base / Fit mentioned on the label)

TOM FORD Base / Fit Shelton

The Shelton was introduced in 2016 and is based on the Windsor with a modern cut. The jackets have the same wide lapels and the fit is slightly slimmer. The difference is in the shoulder: the Shelton has a more natural shoulder with less padding compared to the Windsor. Also where the Windsor trousers have a classic cut and fit quite wide is the Shelton modern and tapered. The Shelton started as single vented but is since 2000 available as dual vented as well.


(No Base / Fit mentioned on the label)

The Atticus was introduced in 2019 and is a new modern cut based on the Windsor. Where the Shelton has more natural shoulders and runs a bit shorter the Atticus is loyal to the Tom Ford look: strong and broad shoulders and the jackets runs longer like the Windsor. The lapels are wide and come in a different shape than the Windsor / Shelton cut. Also where the Windsor trousers have a classic cut and fit quite wide is the Atticus modern and tapered.


Every season, these bases / fits are altered a little bit. This means that a Fit A from 2009 will not fit the same as one from 2021. It’s essential that you check the measurements against your own – preferably best fitting – suit.

If you have any questions regarding the bases and fits, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

You will find our complete list of Tom Ford suits here.